Videos - A few stories of success
Caña Brava - Agricola del Chira - Peru
Running time 17'57"
Caña Brava is an agro-industrial enterprise, and a pioneer in renewable energy production. The complex is located in the Valle del Chira, in the districts of Sullana and Paita, in the Piura’s department, north of Peru. Almost 7,000 hectares of land provide nearly 4,300 tons of sugarcane daily to the factory and is processed to produce 370,000 liters per day of fuel grade ethanol. The plant has created more than1,500 jobs.
Year of construction: 2007
Maple Ethanol, Peru
Running time 9'41"
Maple Ethanol, a company of Maple Energy is a modern fuel grade alcohol distillery with a production capacity of 500,000 L/D of ethanol and 35 MWh of energy from sugar cane. Uni-systems has designed, procured and commissioned the sugar cane front-end extraction module by diffuser, the juice treatment station and the steam generation. The factory is presently owned and operated by Agroaurora of the Conazucar Group in Peru.
Year of construction: 2008
Aroeira Bioenergetica, Brazil
Running time 9'41"
Aroeira Bioenergetica, is a modern standalone distillery located in Tupaciguara, MG, Brazil. Aroeira started operation in 2010 processing 800,000 ton of cane with capacity of producing 400,000 L/D of hydrated fuel grade alcohol and 10 MWH of energy. Today the complex has doubled the original capacity, added a sugar processing module and additional cogeneration equipment. Uni-systems has participated in the design and construction of the plant under EPCM modality.
Year of construction: 2010
Cia. Licorera de Nicaragua - Nicaragua
Running time 9'16"
Cia. Licorera de Nicaragua, producer of the top quality rhum Flor de Cana, acquires, in 2002, a new biodigester to process the distillery effluent (vinasse) and produce biogas. The plant was designed, constructed and commissioned by Uni-systems in cooperation with GWE/Biotecs. The anaerobic plant produces 45,000 NM3/d of biogas equivalent to 6,000 gal per day of diesel, equivalent to a saving of naerly 10 million dollars per year in fuel.
Year of construction: 2003