Preserving the environment is one of our primary objectives. It is also a core value in our business philosophy that guides our team when approaching a new project.
Contributing in any initiative aimed to replace fossil fuels with renewables we are, in fact, already caring for the environment; as every gallon of bio-fuel or kilowatt of clean energy delivered, help to reduces the carbon footprint and the global warming of our planet.
It is also important to note that the adoption of suitably addressed environmental solutions, can also remarkable increase your revenues, either by generating saleable biogas, or use biogas as auxiliary fuel for energy generation, or concentrating the effluent volume to reduce disposal costs.
Uni-systems has been working to provide pollution control solutions specifically for the industrial segments we serve and with special emphasis for the ethanol industry using sugar based feedstock (sugar cane, molasses or sweet sorghum).
In this respect Uni-systems counts on the technological support of worldwide renowned technological partners, such as:
Global Water Engineering (GWE), a world leader in industrial wastewater treatment, with almost 40 years of experience in the biological treatment of medium and high strength organic wastewater by anaerobic and/or aerobic processes. GWE has also extensive expertise in water purification and recycling, biomass digestion and biogas production and utilization. Specifically for anaerobic wastewater treatment, GWE is one of the world market leaders. A leading edge anaerobic treatment technology is complemented with extensive experience in aerobic treatment processes for BOD and nitrogen removal (nitrification, denitrification), a wide range of proprietary processes for anaerobic digestion of biomass, sludge and slurries, and broad knowledge and references in the use of the biogas as renewable fuel in boilers and electrical power generators. GWE’s know-how is backed up by more than 300 operating plants in as many as 70 countries worldwide. Uni-systems has already implementes several waste water projects with GWE in Latin America.
Citrotec, Ltda. Citrotec is a well known technologist and manufacturer of distillation, dehydration and vinasse concentration and drying systems. Citrotec can provide customized distillation solutions to suit your needs, wheather you intend to produce fuel grade, potable or industrial alcohol of any purity and graduation. Citrotec is also specialized in thermal optimizations to minimize the use of steam and energy in alcohol production. The thermal integration of a vinasse concentrator to the distillery (The ECOVIN JL system) is a Citrotec patented solution to reduce the vinasse volume with no additional steam consumption. Citrotec is also heavily investing in completing the final stage of the vinasse treatment, consisting in further drying the concentrated effluent into a powder with less that 5% moisture. The drying techniques are at final stage of development in a custom made pilot plant using energy, steam or flue gas as heating medium.
The combination of both above technologies may be the solution that most of ethanol producers are seeking to generate additional revenues while solving their environmental problems. In fact, the integration of a biodigester with a vinasse concentrator, can initially bring to a remarkable production of biogas and concurrent reduction of pollutants in the biodigester effluent stream; the cleaner biodigester effluent can then be further concentrated to minimize its volume or dried up so that the disposal can be effected at a very affordable cost. We, at Uni-systems, can work with you in selecting the most suitable solution and evaluate its feasibility.
Personalized Solutions
We are able to deliver custom made solutions that adapt to any requirement and comply with the most demanding pollution control regulations, while containing the capital investment and optimizing the operational costs.
1. Services
Opportunity study
Pre-feasibility study
Techno-economic feasibility study
Evaluation reports
Conceptual design
Process design & engineering
Procurement on retainer basis
Construction management
Assistance with operation and maintenance
2. Turn-key projects (EPC or EPCM)
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment
Physical and Chemical Wastewater Treatment
Tertiary Treatment & Recycling
Vent air treatment
Biogas cogeneration systems
Stillage concentration
Stillage drying
3. Equipment, components, parts
Anaerobic digesters
Aerobic treatment modules
Desulphurization modules
Physical and chemical treatments
Biogas processing
Vinasse evaporators and concentrators
Vinasse drying
Gas boilers (fire and water tube)
Surface condensers
Evaporative condensers
Steam turbo generators
Cooling water
Gas blower
Biogas Re-use, Biogas Burner & Dual/Triple Fuel, Burners, Green Power & Generators
Process instrumentation and automation
Electrical equipment, components and parts
Piping, fittings, valves
Structural components, vessels, tanks
Bulk materials, accessories and parts