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First diffuser designed as Uni-systems

Vale do Rosario, Brazil

First Cane Diffuser after Uni-systems was established

Crushing capacity 10,000 TCD

First Power Generation Project

San Gabriel, Mexico

First Power Generation Project  Partnership with TGM and WEG

Generation capacity 8,000 kWh

PowerPlus Prototype

El Angel , El Salvador

PowerPlus Prototype installed

Cane roll mill drive

Partnership with SEW and WEG

Power output 2500 kWh

First RDF Power Plant 

Ecoenergia, Spain

Wood residue and RDF fueled BFB boiler

Partnership MPT, TGM, WEG

Generation capacity 25,000 kWh

First sweet sorghum Bio-refinery

Southeast Renewable Fuels, USA

Fuel grade Bio-ethanol from sweet sorghum

EPCM contract 

Production Capacity 20 M Gal/y  


First Sugar Refinery EPCM contract

Paramonga, S.A., Peru

Design and commission of

first sugar refinery

Partnership ABT 

Production Capacity 300 TSD  




First Syrup Mill in USA

Louisiana Agrifuels, USA

Complete Syrup Mill

Partnership Arkel, Sermatec 

Crushing Capacity 10,000 TSD  


First Turn-key Bio-refinery 

Agricola del Chira , Peru

Anhydrous Ethanol Distillery

Partnership Romero Group

Production capacity 350,000 L/D


First Biomass Power Plant 

El Angel , El Salvador

High Pressure bagasse fired

EPCM contract

Generation capacity 25,000 kWh




First RDT / Biomass Power Plant

Enerwood, Portugal

Biomass fired Power Plant

Partnership BIOCHAMM, TGM, WEG

Generation capacity 15,000 kWh 




Uni-systems, Inc. is founded

Uni-systems, Inc. is established in Miami Florida in September 1996.  

First diffuser exported to Argentina

Arcor, Argentina

First exported diffuser Partnership Sermatec

Crushing capacity 10,000 TCD

Uni-systems - MDT Agreement

Uni-systems and MDT (Mussi Distillation Technology) sign a cooperation agreement for use of MDT distillation technology in projects in North, Central and South America.  

First Turn-key Sugar Refinery 

Moonmate, Argentina.

First turn-key Sugar Refinery Partnership with Sermatec, ABT

Production capacity 400 TSD 

First  Anaerobic reactor 

CLNSA, Nicaragua. 

First Anaerobic Digestor 

Partnership GWE/Biotecs

Biogas Production 35,000 NM3/D 

First  IFC financed project

Maple Ethanol, Peru 

Anhydrous Ethanol Distillery

Process modules

Partnership Mitre Power Tech. 

Plant production 400,000 L/D 

EPCM Bio-refinery in Brazil

Aroeira Bioenergia, Brasil 

Anhydrous Ethanol Distillery

EPCM contract 

 Plant production 400,000 L/D 

First Heat Recovery Poject

Enersa S.A. Honduras 

Heat recovery project

Partnership Sermatec 

Generation Capacity 15,000 kWh 

EPC Biomass Power Plant

Tulula/Botran, Guatemala

Biomass fueled power Plant

Partnership MPT, TGM, WEG

Generation capacity 15,000 kWh

First Coal fired Power Plant

CGN, Guatemala

Coal fired Power Plant

Partnership MPT, TGM, BRUSH

Generation capacity 65,000 kWh

GWE do Brasil, Ltda is established

Uni-systems and GWE establish a Joint Venture for effluent  treatment technology for project in Brazil and Latin America.  




Landmark projects

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Uni-systems, Inc.

240 Crandon Blvd., Suite 286,

Key Biscayne, Fl, 33149

Tel  +1 (305) 794.4908




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